Payment Processing

Wellfit’s payment processing is competitively priced, with no hidden fees, and is integrated into your practice management system, so there is no need for accounting in separate systems.

Core Payment Features

Card Processing

Avoid duplicate work with our fully integrated, reliable, and secure payment processing product.

Touchless Payments

Our touchless payment options offer fast, secure, and easy transactions, providing a seamless patient experience.

Online Bill Pay Options

Maximize your payment flexibility. Our advanced payment options offer your patients a variety of payment methods that streamline payment processing and reduce overhead costs.

Payments calc
Calculate your savings when using Wellfit Payment Processing
Current Payment Platform Transaction Fee (%) Typical is ~3.0%
Any additional monthly processing fees
Monthly Dollar Volume From Transactions Typical is ~$50k, dependent on practice size
Monthly Savings Using Wellfit
Annual Savings Using Wellfit

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