Wellfit Featured in Healthcare Tech Outlook Magazine

Wellfit Technologies, Inc. Featured in Healthcare Tech Outlook Magazine

IRVING, Texas, September 30, 2022.

Wellfit® Technologies, Inc., (“Wellfit”) a healthcare technology platform that makes patient financing, dental plans, and payment processes simple, transparent, and cost-effective, was featured as the cover story in Healthcare Tech Outlook. Read the full story here.

About Wellfit® Technologies, Inc.

Wellfit Technologies, Inc. (Wellfit) is a healthcare technology platform that makes patient financing, dental plans, and payment processes simple, transparent, and cost-effective for providers, patients, employers, and payors. Wellfit’s regulatory-compliant administration services and cloud-based technology modernize a wide variety of dental plans including in-house membership and discount plans, employer plans, and payor plans. Benefits are instantly adjudicated so there is no confusion about what a plan or patient owe. Each party’s share is managed through the proprietary technology, which means payments are processed in near real-time, so providers are paid immediately. Wellfit also unifies payment processes onto one simple platform, eliminating the need for multiple disparate systems. Wellfit is a comprehensive fintech solution that helps dentists increase treatment acceptance, lower transaction and administrative costs, and provide transparency to help improve patient trust and retention. For more information or for a demo, please visit us at wellfit.com.

Contact: Deb Franko

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